Cheongsl: You must bold the last sentence of your posting and put it on top otherwise 瞎子摸象 might not see it. I have helped you to do so.
Borrowing continue, paying 6% for the borrowing for dividend only 1%
Opps!! Sorry even if 瞎子摸象 see it he might just ignore it. He will just say "don't care about 6% interest, 1% dividend is more important". He only listen when you say good thing to this counter.
cheongsl wrote: The Board of Directors of Midas Holdings Limited (the "Company") is pleased to announce that the
Company intends to issue S$75,000,000 6.00 per cent. fixed rate notes due 2016 (the "Notes"). The
Notes will be issued under the S$500,000,000 Multicurrency Medium Term Note Programme
established by the Company on 2 October 2013 (the "MTN Programme"). DBS Bank Ltd. and The
Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited have been appointed to act as the joint lead
managers and joint bookrunners for the issue of the Notes.
The Notes were offered pursuant to exemptions invoked under Sections 274 and/or 275 of the
Securities and Futures Act, Chapter 289 of Singapore.
The Company has priced the offering of the Notes and the principal terms of the Notes are as follows:
Issue size: S$75,000,000
Issue Price: 100% of the principal amount of the Notes
Interest: 6.00 per cent. per annum
Maturity Date: 2.5 years from the date of issue
The closing date for the issue of the Notes is currently expected to be on or about 28 May 2014.
Borrowing continue, paying 6% for the borrowing for dividend only 1%
Last edit: 10 years 8 months ago by FairPerson. Reason: amend typo
When the remark still appear beside MIDAS counter, he don't see and don't remember and say so long already when he make posting. Now many days already and MIDAS counter is without remark, he then still can remember and say price after . HAHAHA... Really don't know what to say.