Hi James, If you are going to the AGM, please ask mgt to buy back more stocks or even privatise the company. Use the funds in the company to privatise it. Today's up also not much of use. Need funds to come in to support. Else we will see 3c again.. soon.. Regards.
Hi lisa, I have lost faith and patience with the management. I have sold all my shares in this potenial multi-bagger. I read the 2011 AR and realised that the management is either clueless or disinterested in turning the fortunes of the company around. They have no definite plans at all. Foreland may be a better alternative. What do you do with a rotten apple in the fridge? Throw it out. Thats what i did today
just when you sold , big boys interest came in . Look at the never seen before big buy queue today at 3.6 cents . almost no seller at all . something is brewing ??
2m buy is only $76000 so not necessarily big boys. But it could be management doing share buyback before agm. Yesterday there was 500 lots sold so there's some movement but it's a weak company in a weak sector with weak management
Hi Peter, I agree with you. It is a weak company in terms of share price, but look at the CASH HOARD!... it is about 20c cash per share. Management pays only one time dividend after IPO just for show cos it was stated in the prospectus? So after that no more cos obligation is fulfilled? Singapore should follow Chile Stock Exchange, whereby all listed companies must pay at least 30-40% of their profits out as dividends to shareholders. That is good governance for minority shareholders. Win-win for both mgt and shareholders.
Last edit: 12 years 9 months ago by lisa. Reason: .