Company report a loss of 200k for year 2016. Previous year it had a profit
of 600k. Looking at the movements and activities of the company, I have a
feeling that the company's performance for this year is likely to improve, at least
marginally. And 2018 should be a very good year for them barring unforseen
Reasons for my optimisms are: 1. consolidation of part of its business at the Singapore Aerospace Park (SAP).
The company main business is in aerospace. By being present in SAP put the
company in proximity w its customers n potential customers. This may result in
more businesses.
According to the management, the shift to SAP will bring about “cost savings,
increased productivity, and headroom for future growth”.
2. Acquisition of JEP Industrades Pte Ltd. In 2015
The acquisition has resulted in higher revenue for the Group's Trading & Others
segment. It registered a significant increase in revenue, from S$6.3 mil to S$18.5
mil. JEP Industrades Pte Ltd is a subsidiary of the company.
3. Others:
- nta 3.2 cts against current price 2.8 cts
- dividend, company declared a dividend of 0.03 cts per share, giving a yield of 1.1%
- healthy balance sheet
- company had been actively managed, pro-active
4. positive management comments: (Press release on 28 feb 2017)
- "we are looking forward to a better year ahead".
- "we are currently receiving promising levels of enquiries from existing and
potential customers'.
- "we are also taking great care to stremline our production processes,
building on the productivity and cost saving measures”.
- "will become more cost effective and efficient".
For more details refer to the company postings on SGX on 28 feb 2017.
Note .. this company is more for long term investors, in my view.
Above are just my thoughts. Pls do your own due diligent.
Below is a short write up Seletar Aerospace Park (SAP). The move by FEP to SAP is clearly a good move. It places them closer to their potential customers. Further, the space taken up by FEP is 80% more than previous space in Changi. This will allow the company to grow with minimal encumbrances. See quote below taken from jtc:
Seletar Aerospace Park (SAP) is a conducive environment for aerospace companies to operate and collaborate within. The 320-hectare development hosts a dedicated cluster of activities, including the maintenance, repair and overhaul of aircraft and components manufacturing and assembly of aircraft engines and components business and general aviation as well as training and research & development. Companies in SAP reap the benefits of the integration of world-class business infrastructure and the synergy between global and local aerospace industry players.
Last edit: 7 years 10 months ago by josephyeo. Reason: missing word
JEP Holdings Ltd annual report is out. Can get it from SGX.
Below is a quote from the Chairman n CEO.
The Group’s new facility at Seletar Aerospace Park was completed in November 2016, and equipment and operations are gradually being shifted over, and the move is expected to be fully completed by the third quarter of 2017.
“Aerospace will be our main revenue driver for the foreseeable future. We are currently receiving promising levels of enquiries from existing and potential customers, and our business development efforts will be aided by the
completion of our new facilities, as it is a showcase of our technology and capabilities.
In the design of the new premises, we are also taking great care to streamline our production processes, building on the productivity and cost saving measures implemented in FY2016. This will allow us to become even more cost
effective and efficient.’’
Mr Joe Lau
Executive Chairman and CEO,
JEP Holdings Ltd.